Information and documents
Find our opening hours and legal documents.
Camping la Plage is 3 stars rated campsite open from the 1st of May till the 30th of September.
The reception is open from 8am till 10pm without break during July and August and till 9pm the rest of the season.
Arrivals for rents are after 14h each Saturday. Departures from 9am to 11am during July and August. Please, contact us for the rest of the season.
Pitches are available from midday and must be freed before midday.
Pool: wearing a swim suit is mandatory. Shorts and underwear are forbidden. The Pool is not watched.
Pets must be kept on a leash and must not be left alone on the pitch. They must be vaccinated and tagged.
All the premise has disabled access except the rental accomodation.

Following article L. 152-1, you may refer to the MEDICYS mediation centre in the event of a dispute with our establishment.
Please make your submission online at
or by post to:
73, Boulevard de Clichy
75009 Paris